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Node.js Slot Machine

카테고리 없음

by phogernetau1988 2021. 8. 29. 05:44


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Web scraping/Web crawling is the technique of extracting data from websites. This data can further be stored in a database or any other storage system for analysis or other uses. While extracting. Slot machine design evolution is in fast-forward! Mega-multi-line 'penny' slots are replacing 'dollar' slots. High-res, multi-layer video screens create real.

Create an extremely biased, web-based slot machine game.


  • Faux-panoramic reel animations (without <canvas>)
  • Support for single/multi-line reels and pay-lines.
  • Pseudo-random selections by configured weight.
  • Configurable RNG (to make it less biased)
  • Easy to set-up and customize.

Checkout the demo for examples of use.



Install the package into your project using NPM, or download the sources.


To add to an existing React project you can install this package using YARN.

Node.js Slot Machine


There are two ways you can use this package. One is by including the JavaScript/CSS sources directly. The other is by importing the module into your component.

Script include

After you build the distribution sources the set-up is fairly simple..

Module import

If your using a modern framework like Aurelia, Angular, React, or Vue

HTML markup

Reels configuration

Outside of a reel image source, symbols must contain the following:

titleName of the strip symbolString
positionSymbol center (in pixels) calculated from the strip topNumber
weightSelection weight (>1 increases odds)Number



Game options

Customization and overriding defaults can be done using the following options:

reelHeightReel background image height (in pixels)Number1320
reelWidthReel background image width.Number200
reelOffsetReel background image vertical offset.Number20
slotYAxisSlot vertical axis rotation (in degrees).Number0
animSpeedSlot animation speed (in milliseconds)Number1000
rngFuncCustom RNG between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)FunctionMath.random()

Customizing symbols

Creating a custom strip is fairly easy. What is most important is that each symbol, whether an image or blank space, contains a vertical position that can be measured by calculating the symbol center (in pixels) from the strip top. A Photoshop example has been provided with this package for reference.


CLI options

Run ESLint on project sources:

Transpile ES6 sources (using Babel) and minify to a distribution:

Node Js Tutorials


Node Js Update

If you fix a bug, or have a code you want to contribute, please send a pull-request with your changes. (Note: Before committing your code please ensure that you are following the Node.js style guide)


This package is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.

License and Warranty

This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

slot-machine-gen is provided under the terms of the MIT license

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